Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Poets and Poems: Robin Robertson’s “The Wrecking Light”

I discovered poet Robin Robertson at Blackwell’s Bookstore on Charing Cross Road in London.

It was near the end of a two-week vacation in London last September. We had met a British friend for lunch nearby, and afterward we were walking down Charing Cross toward Trafalgar Square. Blackwell’s was right there, and who am I to pass up an opportunity to step into a bookstore?

I wandered around the shop, until I found the section for poets and poems. It wasn’t what I’ve come to expect in many US book shops – it was large, and it was diverse, with volumes ranging from anthologies and collections by well-known poets to new poetry by people I’d never heard of.

I can’t explain why Robertson’s The Wrecking Light caught my eye. But it did.

To continue reading, please see my post today at Tweetspeak Poetry.

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